2024 World Amateur Prize Winners!

We’re thrilled to announce the prize winners for the 2024 Myrtle Beach World Amateur! Each night, we’ll be revealing more lucky participants who have won exciting prizes throughout the week. Make sure to check the table below daily to see if your name has been added to the list of winners. To claim your prize, simply bring your ID to the prize claim booth at the 19th Hole. Congratulations to all of our winners so far, and remember to keep checking back as more prizes will be announced each evening. Good luck!

List is updated as of 8/29/24

List of Winners

PrizeFirst NameLast NameRegion
Trip of a LifetimeChrisBirchDE
2025 World Am Trip for TwoRicardoMoreyraFL
Taylormade Qi10 DriverGregoryFINLENNC
Taylormade Qi10 DriverBobbyLukasFL
2024 Fall Classic Team EntryTroyWurtzHI
2025 World Am EntryGlennSMITHSC
2025 World Am Q School EntryWillieJOHNSONLA
2025 Complimentary EntryDennisO'NeillCanada
2025 Complimentary EntrySarahMacEachernCanada
2025 Complimentary EntryHarryJoujanCanada
TaylorMade Qi10 DriverJimToddAZ
TaylorMade Set of WedgesMichaelBETLEYNH
TaylorMade Spider PutterDaltonBrassSC
TaylorMade Spider PutterKevinFINNIL
Complimentary Fast Pass for TwoCynthiaEverettFL
Complimentary Fast Pass for TwolynneleithMD
Complimentary Fast Pass for TwoTheresaKiddNC
Complimentary Fast Pass for TwoJamesMullaneyDE
World Am NextBeltFrankWoodsNH
World Am NextBeltJeffKingPA
World Am NextBeltDeanCavanaughIA
World Am NextBeltJamesNairnSC
World Am NextBeltAnthonyRabonzaNV
World Am NextBeltBenjaminSecordOH
World Am NextBeltpaulflockIL
World Am NextBeltBusterDavisTX
World Am NextBeltBrendanFeeneyMD
World Am NextBeltGregWatsonKY
$50 Amazon GIft CardMaggieRomeroFL
$50 Amazon GIft CardDANAFALLSNC
$50 Amazon GIft CardTerryBokshaIL
$50 Amazon GIft CardNeilRiedelWI
$50 Amazon GIft CardMichaelLawsonPA
$50 Amazon GIft CardAnthonyClarkGA
$50 Amazon GIft CardHardySaffoldAK
$50 Amazon GIft CardLewis WayneSpencerNC
$50 Amazon GIft CardAaronKennedyIN
$50 Amazon GIft CardRichardBorjaFL
Set of World Am Whiskey GlassesCharlesToddFL
Set of World Am Whiskey GlassesJamesPelasLA
Set of World Am Whiskey GlassesJamesColeMD
Set of World Am Whiskey GlassesTamiDonnellyTX
Set of World Am Whiskey GlassesPaulFoegenWI
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseJoshuaAppeldornAR
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseWilliamWhatleySC
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseGregBickettFL
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseThomasMontgomeryAZ
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseKennethMooreMA
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseVickiMyersNC
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseJohnKazoTN
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseChrisCainTX
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseJamesMCGINNISOH
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseRobertMeekinsSC
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseTimHILLERNV
Twosomes to World Am Participating CourseBJBargerVA
World AM Custom UmbrellaBruceRobinsonSC
World AM Custom UmbrellaLoriSmithON
World AM Custom UmbrellaDanielBarrazaTN
World AM Custom UmbrellaJonathanHoughtonGA
World AM Custom UmbrellaJaniceBrodeurSC
6 Pack of World AM GlovesKentByromNC
6 Pack of World AM GlovesMarkLytleSC
6 Pack of World AM GlovesCarlRubinoNY
6 Pack of World AM GlovesDaveWasmuthIL
6 Pack of World AM GloveswilliamwatkinsFL
World Am Driver HeadcoverRichardLAMARCHEVT
World Am Driver HeadcoverJosephJonesSC
World Am Driver HeadcoverMatthewMillerDE
World Am Driver HeadcoverJohnnieRogersSC
World Am Driver HeadcoverRonaldWellsNC
World Am Driver HeadcoverKevinEthridgeMI
World Am Driver HeadcoverGerardoJimenezFL
World Am Driver HeadcoverJohnHARRISTX
World Am Driver HeadcoverRichardWrenchTX
World Am Driver HeadcoverDavidGodwinSC
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteMatthewJepsenHI
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteJosephDavisFL
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteMartyMartinezTX
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteBrianKatrekGA
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteRobHelmNY
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteRussellburnamTX
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteJeffreyWaitSC
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteJimMarcelakFL
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteEdselDagdaganVA
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteRonFerreroNC
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteMattFranklinAZ
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteJamesHabermanNJ
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhitePeterWHITEHOUSEVA
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteGreggHARNEYAZ
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteRonDoddAZ
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteDANIELMESSNERHI
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteKevinHalsteadAZ
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteMichaelBattenKY
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteMikeBurkeOH
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteDonISRAELCA
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteJamesLee IIIAZ
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteGregMooreSC
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteJohnSnowNC
OnCore Golf Balls - Vero X2 WhiteJasonBrunoFL
GolfBuddy XL VoiceDebraPartridgeSC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJesseHaferSC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceDaveKingIN
GolfBuddy XL VoiceGeorgeCOZZIFL
GolfBuddy XL VoiceTomSKEENOH
GolfBuddy XL VoiceStephenVERNINY
GolfBuddy XL VoiceEarlLoeswickMS
GolfBuddy XL VoiceBrandonGilpinMO
GolfBuddy XL VoiceLynnAshton JrAZ
GolfBuddy XL VoiceDorothyGraefeNC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceKevinVan Duser SrFL
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJesseBabautaFL
GolfBuddy XL VoiceStephenScottGA
GolfBuddy XL VoiceMarshallChesserKY
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJosephSullo JrCT
GolfBuddy XL VoiceRaymondMirandaNC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceRichardPaulFL
GolfBuddy XL VoiceKirkRobertsTN
GolfBuddy XL VoiceStanleySaloy IIIWA
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJeffYarbroughTN
GolfBuddy XL VoiceFredHannahVA
GolfBuddy XL VoiceMikeHEMBYFL
GolfBuddy XL VoiceStevenSHUTX
GolfBuddy XL VoiceSusanMuenchTX
GolfBuddy XL VoiceDavidLaClairNC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJosephMcMillanKY
GolfBuddy XL VoiceTimothyHattonNC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceBrianCurleyGA
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJeffChamplinPA
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJohnMurphyTX
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJamesSmithVA
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJackRoopSC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceDavidStephensFL
GolfBuddy XL VoiceGregWilliamsSC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceCharlesPriceSC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceBillVanShufflinNY
GolfBuddy XL VoiceMarshallWhiteNY
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJosephDeeseSC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceLouisGAGLIONY
GolfBuddy XL VoiceClarenceElliottTX
GolfBuddy XL VoiceAndrewRadtkeIN
GolfBuddy XL VoiceKarlDisleySC
GolfBuddy XL VoiceVictorKowalenkoWA
GolfBuddy XL VoiceRayLandryHI
GolfBuddy XL VoiceCherylLissyPA
GolfBuddy XL VoiceLarryHartigKY
GolfBuddy XL VoiceJosephDillonCT
GolfBuddy XL VoiceBobbySHAWAL
GolfBuddy XL VoiceCraigDENOMMEGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTerryReinFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRickyNAPPERKY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBrockZeebGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDavePavlickOH
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJackRagsdaleIN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardPatriceProbstFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMichaelZdanowiczFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardAaronVaughanTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMindaGaddisTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardVernonBucknerSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJerard (Jerry)RobisonKS
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBruceKelloggUT
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardEricYANDRICHPA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobertWoodsSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardFrankSchifanoSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBillyBlackmonSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CarddougmillerIN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardLouisDiCampliAZ
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMikeHerzMD
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRONHILLTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMichaelCulbertNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardEdMaloneCA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRichardMinterGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJohnHathawayPA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardWilliamToomeySC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDavidPropstNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardCharlesShrontzIL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardAllanDEHANEYFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDanielBrentSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardNickSchumacherWI
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobertKirchnerSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMichaelCromerSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJackParkerTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardEricLOTTGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardL.D.BUTCHERTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJeremyHenleyMD
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDarlWinstonCA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardChristopherSZELUGANY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardCharlesKesslerSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJohnLongTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardKelvinBriggsSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJimPranteFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMarciaGilreathNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBenFajardoMI
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardWilliamTalleyNJ
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardToddInnesOR
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBrianDuncanIN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJasonDaleTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMichaelBoissonneaultSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDennisChookaszianIL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGrantJOHNSONWV
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJerryIacovoneSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMilesMcCuneTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTrevisRobertsGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardStevenVandiverIN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDavidBanksSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardToddBurleyFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardWayneMooreIN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTimFesslerKY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRussellHammondNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBrantlyCranfordNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSamuelBasfordFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardHughHanlyON
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRussellStortsFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMarissaMartinezOR
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDaveEverestTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardKarenHallTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardCarolScottTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMikeHollandFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRaymondColeNY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardPatrickGloverVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardCodyWatsonAL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBarbaraHagemanFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardPakChiuSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBryanHelyerFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJohnKirbySC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRonBellLA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMichaelHabermanNJ
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardLoriDuBoseTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardjohnseidlerFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSamuelMcAleerFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSergioAlvaradoTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGeorgeShirejianTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardStephenEwanouskiMA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardsteveeubanksNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRogerHallquistIA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJamesBriggsNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSteveHurtKY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJasonWoodNY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRonFloydTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBryanAndersonTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTerryRein Jr.WV
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardFrankPintoNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardPaulCampbellVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDonaldGaschoPA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTonyJOHNSONNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJamesButlerNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDanielWHITENC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDougThompsonFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardScottWordOK
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDaveJOHNSONSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJakelambrechtIA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJennieWatkinsOK
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSteveDonovanSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardChristopherGordonNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJamesJackFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTonyScaturroFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRichardBramblettGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardYiyiShiTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMarvinRichardsGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGilGriffinVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBobHayesPA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSteveReidNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDavidBurnsTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardFrederickWEILSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJaneLanierMD
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBobbyMalloyFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGeneCHIARELLASC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardArthurWarriorAL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJohnMESSNERNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardWaynePiperIA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGregStrachanSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardAlbertBakerNM
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardCharlieBeardVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDavidRussellMS
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJimFaragherDE
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJohnDeCavageVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJeffryApplebySC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMattBerryOH
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardLisaJacksonDE
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardHenriqueRibeiroMD
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDeannaRodgersFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMichaelAndersonSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardWallyMorrisonNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJoeRaineyFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardReedSiemsSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBillAshleyTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardArezellBrownMI
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardStevenFaucettAZ
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRandyCritesMI
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJeffMajewskiTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMikeCarlisleNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJamesDeeseTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardCurtisNewellVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJustinLopezCA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTracyMorrisSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSanfordTooleNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBradenFeigelFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDavidCohnTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardKevinFontenotTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardAlBonnTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTomMusialTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMelindaFrithNA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTerryBrownNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJakeJohnsonFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGaryWEBBERNJ
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBillWeislerSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTomHillingVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSteveTURCOTTEWA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardShawnFINKBINERIN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobAndersonFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJudithKlineMI
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardCarlosMataniFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMarkLymanME
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDavidStreeterSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardValeriePavlikOH
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDerekFaulknerMN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardStephenRobertsSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDavidCrandallMD
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardAlfredFerrettiRI
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardChristopherRaineyPA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMicheleKuharOH
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardPamelaVERNON-FINLENNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardVictorChiofoloFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJerryJarrardLA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardPrestonSnyderFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSandraMeadowsNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGregSeibelPA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDeanScottSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobertJenkinsMD
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGilbertLeVanderWA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardThomasSchuttGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSueAntonelliTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardToddVaughnNE
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardThomasWoolbrightMS
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGaryHARPERVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJamesKarabatsosNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDanielSkoogNJ
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardCurtisWuellnerFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRonnieFaithKY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDjMartinezMA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobertHockman Jr.NC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardHectorFlechaPR
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRomanMorenoOK
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBillReynoldsSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDonCupitNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardWilliamHandleyIN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMichaelDysonTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobertWILSONNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardChristaWilsonGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMikeKotheSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobert (Bob)BirchbauerGA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardToddGentryNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardmarkleeUT
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRyanPalloneVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobertMarquesCT
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSueMaddenMD
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTonyGeorgeID
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardKathleenDooleyNY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTedDeeseSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardFrankZAYASNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMariaGoodmanAL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardBruceBourdonSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMoYOUNUSIL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJohnAntolakMN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardWilliamWELCHNY
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardAndrewMeadowsVA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRobertThompsonMD
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardScottConnollyCT
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJeffreyHammondPA
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGregoryMESSERMI
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDonWEAVERSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardFranklinRobertsTX
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardJOHNTobenSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDanielKolberFL
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardRandyRhynesNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardDannyMenefeeSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardScottBOYETTENC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardGaryCrossSC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardMartyJAMESNC
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardTravisMillerOH
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardLeoWhitesideTN
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardSteveKoleszarAZ
$50 PGA TOUR Superstore CardPatrickO'BrienMI
Makefield PutterChristopherStullFL
Makefield PutterRobertWIDENERSC
Makefield PutterNicholasMcPhersonIN
Makefield PutterKayLandryHI
Makefield PutterStevenCootsTX
Makefield PutterTabWenrichPA
Makefield PutterDanYoungNC
Makefield PutterDeanGIBSONNC
Makefield PutterAnthonyBranchFL
Makefield PutterMichelleMinisterOH
Makefield PutterBruceDalrympleGA
Makefield PutterLarryEATONMO
Makefield PutterJamesELKINSVA
Makefield PutterDonaldGreathouseSC
Makefield PutterAlanSkeltonNC
Makefield PutterHerndonGatewood, JrVA
Makefield PutterFredOgdenSC
Makefield PutterButchLombardiAZ
Makefield PutterEdwardTynesTX
Makefield PutterPaulKurtzMI
Taylormade PutterJerryRobertsVA
Taylormade PutterJoeyMorrisGA
Taylormade PutterMarkRoyerFL
ClubGlove Logo'd Travel BagKevinWIRTHKY
Twosome to area golf courseDonaldFrank SrPA
Twosome to area golf courseJoshKirbyFL
Twosome to area golf coursePaulHUNTVA
Twosome to area golf courseMarvinFOXSC
Twosome to area golf courseMarkHerbortGA
Twosome to area golf courseCharlesMeyerNC
Twosome to area golf coursePeteHAGGARDOH
Twosome to area golf courseRobertBrushNC
Twosome to area golf courseBuddyFriendGA
Twosome to area golf courseBradHaverlyKY
(3) Dozen OnCore VX1 Golf BallsbrentbillingsOH
(3) Dozen OnCore VX1 Golf BallsLeeDishongIN
(3) Dozen OnCore VX1 Golf BallsRonaldJohnsonMI
(3) Dozen OnCore VX1 Golf BallsMarkJohnsonMN
(3) Dozen OnCore VX1 Golf BallsLarryMullinsFL
$50 Amazon Gift CardLarryKiddNC
$50 Amazon Gift CardSueMcClainFL
$50 Amazon Gift CardRadziBvumbeNC
$50 Amazon Gift CardJakeBullockTX
$50 Amazon Gift CardDougAllenNC
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverMichaelRytherTX
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverRickMeredithGA
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverMatthewJepsenHI
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverCoreyCrainSC
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverDonnaMcClymondsFL
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverBennySHEPARDAL
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverMarioGaritaNA
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverJimChecksfieldNJ
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverSamALMGRENGA
Custom WA Driver HeadcoverMiltonRashidDC
Tickets to 2025 PGA Championship at Quail HollowBarryBrownSC
1 Foursome to CaledoniaJoanieStewartTX
1 Foursome to True BlueGeorgeHutchinsonFL

World Champion: Upendra Modak interview

After 72 holes of stroke play competition, we crowned our 2024 World Champion on a beautiful Friday afternoon at the Grande Dunes Resort Course. Meet the winner of the 2024 World Amateur Handicap Championship.

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